"Then he gave the hammer to Thor, and said that Thor might smite as hard as he desired, whatsoever might be before him, and the hammer would not fail; and if he threw it at anything, it would never miss, and never fly so far as not to return to his hand;and if be desired, he might keep it in his sark, it was so small."
- Ultra-secure and fast international payments
- Fraud resistant
- Works everywhere, anytime
- Zero or low fees
- Protects your identity
- Receive mjollnircoins even when your computer is turned off!
- Control which coins you send
- Public ledger of all accounting
- Cheap micro payments
- Controlled by all users around the world
- No central authority
- Payment freedom
- No bank holidays
- Cannot be regulated without cooperation of nearly all its users
- Mjollnircoins are durable
- Mjollnircoins are portable
- Mjollnircoins are rare
- Mjollnircoins are divisbile
- Backed by state of the art mathematics
- Price completely determined by supply and demand
- No regulation
A new open-source peer-to-peer crypto currency
May 4, 2014 14:00 CEST